Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Micah here and less Moses.?

My friend in Hong Kong recently shared to me that she was just pregnant for 11 weeks and going to be a mom! What a great news to her since she has been expecting for long.  She visited this blog , and she found that I tended to write more about Micah, either here or facebook.. Did I ?

I was a mom of two when we knew each other, so she didn't know too much about my parenting life with Moses.  I always told Moses that he has five years more with his parents than Micah, when he is jealous of

 I believe all moms will spend more time on their first children, so do I. If I have to compare how much time I give them individually, Moses must get more, I remember I have experienced a lot of frustrations, helpnessless when I became a new mom after Moses's born, especially I encountered a lot of difficulties in breast-feeding. However, the frustrations helped me to be stronger, and helped me to seek different ways to turn the darkness to the brightness. With a lot of supports from the discussing forum, and I made a lot of good friends to share the parenting and nursing experience, I shared a lot of joys with Moses everyday with them.

As a mom, I try to be fair for both of them, but it is undeniable that you can get more funs from  the two-year-old than the seven-years-old ! But I trust, no matter how you are with them, they can feel very much from our truely loves! I hope I can learn from Jesus, his unconditional love to us , and to our children!