Remember when he was 18-20 months, I tried letting him sit on his little potty and hoped that he could learn to have a poo or pee into the potty, however, it was totally failure, even now, he won't tell me when he needs to go to washroom.. Sometimes I blamed myself, maybe I am not so consistent to ask him to go to washroom regularly, or I am wondering if he is not yet ready ? He will be 2 years 4 months by the end of Feb, but it seems that he is so smart in all areas except potty training. So it must be my problem!
Not only is he picky at eating, but also choosing his diapers and out-fit; Whenever changing diapers for him, I tried to distact his attention, hoping him forget the logo on the diapers, however, he will check the logo every single time, because he only loves the pluto/Mickey logo, instead of the Mickey/Minnie logo, is he a strange kid? I hope I do not need those diapers very soon, but with the carpet on the floor, it is quiet difficult for me to train him.
Okay, I will try.. I promise to myself. Goodbye diapers. ( I will annouce to Facebook if it comes true! )