When Moses was about 3 years old, most of my friends planned to have the 2nd baby, and some of them were pregnant. Man and I have been convinced to have 2nd baby by our friends but Man was quite insisted on his decision.
I started to be influenced by my friends, especially when seeing the more additions to their families, their 1st children love their sibling very much , and there were a lot of joys, warms from them.
Moses was the only one child in our family at that moment, and he kept asking me if he can have a little brother as well.
I started to pray to God and asked him to change Man's mind.... waiting and waiting for few months, he did change his mind and we tried to have the 2nd one.
In Sept 28 , 2008, Micah was born with a lot of blessings. Moses was so happy to see his brother.
Though they are 5 years apart, they can play together everyday. Of course, sibling rival is common which occurs in my house now, sometimes there is so noisy in the house when they fight for their TV shows, toys, but to me, I found it is a good for them to learn how to get along with people, especially for Moses, he has to learn to share, to love, to care others.
it is so lovely when they sit together.
Micah loves to follow what Moses does, I tell Moses that he has to be a good role model!
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