Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Micah here and less Moses.?

My friend in Hong Kong recently shared to me that she was just pregnant for 11 weeks and going to be a mom! What a great news to her since she has been expecting for long.  She visited this blog , and she found that I tended to write more about Micah, either here or facebook.. Did I ?

I was a mom of two when we knew each other, so she didn't know too much about my parenting life with Moses.  I always told Moses that he has five years more with his parents than Micah, when he is jealous of

 I believe all moms will spend more time on their first children, so do I. If I have to compare how much time I give them individually, Moses must get more, I remember I have experienced a lot of frustrations, helpnessless when I became a new mom after Moses's born, especially I encountered a lot of difficulties in breast-feeding. However, the frustrations helped me to be stronger, and helped me to seek different ways to turn the darkness to the brightness. With a lot of supports from the discussing forum, and I made a lot of good friends to share the parenting and nursing experience, I shared a lot of joys with Moses everyday with them.

As a mom, I try to be fair for both of them, but it is undeniable that you can get more funs from  the two-year-old than the seven-years-old ! But I trust, no matter how you are with them, they can feel very much from our truely loves! I hope I can learn from Jesus, his unconditional love to us , and to our children!


  1. come on! as you know, there's no rulers to measure our love to the kids. different ages need different attention, at this moment definitely micah need your focus to bring him up. wish you'll get thru his trouble 2 easier, and the same to me. amen!

  2. Kat,
    That's right! You know, Moses is such a little boy that sometimes he asked me why I didn't put his photo as Facebook's profile photo, and he loves to say " it's not fair? where is my photo?".
    I found that my trouble two is too strong-willed! headache !
